Full Name:
Prof. Dr. Abdus Sattar Khan پروفیسر ڈاکٹر عبدالستار خان
Prof. Dr. Abdus Sattar Khan, a Hindkowan hailing from the vibrant city of Peshawar, embodies the essence of brilliance and intellectual prowess in the field of Biochemistry. With a distinguished reputation as a renowned researcher and esteemed academic, his contributions have revolutionized the scientific community. With an awe-inspiring lab experience spanning over four and a half decades, Abdus Sattar Khan‘s expertise is matchless.
Dr. Abdus Sattar Khan did his Ph. D. and Post-Doctoral studies with exceptional distinction. Abdus Sattar Khan‘s voyage is one of relentless pursuit of knowledge and unparalleled dedication. His avid curiosity and solid commitment in the field of Biochemistry have solidified his position in the field. Through groundbreaking research, Abdus Sattar Khan has left an indelible mark on the scientific landscape.
Dr. Abdus Sattar Khan’s success serves as a shining for others in the Hindkowan community. Through sheer determination and relentless effort, he has has achieved international recognition, bringing great honor to not only to Peshawar but to Pakistan.

Mother Name: Mrs. Najab Sultan
- Late Col. Abdus Samad
- Late Hafiz Mohammad Yousaf
- Professor Dr. Ahmad Khan (Retired)
- Engineer Abdul Aziz Khan (Retired)
- Late Mrs. Fatima (House Wife)
- Mrs. Fahmida Bano (House Wife)
- Primary Government Primary School, Raiti Gate, Peshawar City (1950-1956)
- Matriculation Government High School No. 1, Peshawar City (1956-1962)
- F. Sc. Islamia College. University of Peshawar (1962-1964)
- B. Sc. Islamia College. University of Peshawar (1966-1968)
- M. Sc. (Biochemistry/Chemistry). Department of Chemistry University of Peshawar (1968-1970)
- Ph. D. (Biochemistry). Department of Biochemistry, University of Liverpool UK (1975-1979) (Distinction)
- Post Doctorate (Biochemistry). Department of Chemistry, Harvard University, USA 1983 -1984 (Distinction)
- Ms۔ Afrah Sattar Khan
BA Hons (International Business with Management from UK)
5 Year Experience in Social Media and Community Management
- Professor
- Consultant Biochemist
- Graduate and Post Graduate level – September 1970 onward
- Lab Teaching to Medical/Biology & Veterinary Students Department of Biochemistry, University of Liverpool, UK
- Biomedical Students, University of Qatar, Doha, Qatar
- Kohat University of Science and Technology
- Abasyn University, Peshawar
- Khyber Medical University, Peshawar
Research Experience/ Interests
- HEC Approved Research Supervisor: Conduct and Supervise Research at M. Phil, Ph. D. Level
- Since 1975 working in the field of Lipid Biochemistry
- Interested to work on Nutrition, Lipid Disorders associated with Cardiac and Diabetic Problems and Hepatitis
Research Theses Supervised and Research Publications
- Ph. D.: 05
- M. Phill.: 13
- M. Sc.: 23
- Research Papers Published: 56
- COT Merit Scholarship, Government of Pakistan, 1975-1979
- NIH Research Fellowship, Maryland, USA, 1983-1984
- ACB Education Committee Bursary Award, UK, 1996
- Star Laureate Science & Technology, XVIIth Star Awards 2006
- Gold Medal, Science & Technology, XVIIth Star Awards 2006
- At Ph. D. Level worked on Cholesterol Metabolism and Cholesterol Esters, with Dr. L. J. Goad, Department of Biochemistry, University of Liverpool, UK (1975-1979)
“After careful examination no extensive catabolism of sterols was found in Asteris Rubens. Which means that catabolism of sterols did not produce smaller fragment like 2carbon units as acetyl CoA that could synthesize lipids. All attempts to confirm this idea failed hence it was concluded that there was no such phenomenon of extensive catabolism in starfish. Bivalve mollusks,Cerstoderma edula ,Chlamys opercularis, Ensis soliqua, Modiolus modiolus, Mya arenaria, Mytilus edulis and Pectin maximus contain mixtures of C26-, C27-, C28-, C29-, sterols. They are rich in 5,7-sterols rangin from 2 – 21% of the total sterols. 5,7-Sterols are provitamin D, hence nutritionally a good source of vitamin D.
2. As Postdoctoral level, studied the role of Glycolipids (produced by Acholeplasma laidlawii) in Mycoplasma membrane, with Professor Konrad Bloch, the Nobel Laureate, Medicine and Physiology, Department of Chemistry, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA (1983-1984)
- Department of Biochemistry, University of Liverpool, UK
- Department of Chemistry, Harvard University Cambridge, Massacheusett, USA
- Biomedical Students, University of Qatar, Doha, Qatar
- Abasyn Universty, Peshawar
- Khyber Medical Universty, Peshawar
Professional Membership
- American Association of Clinical Chemistry, USA
- Association of Clinical Biochemistry, UK
- The Chemical Society of Pakistan
- Pakistan Biological Science Society
- Pakistan Association of Scientists and Scientific Professions
- Stamps and coins collection
- Playing cards, Badminton, Walking, Hiking, Mountaineering, Excursions
- Drama. Listening Music
Extra Curricular Activities
- Squad Commander and Best First Aider, St John Ambulance Competition 1961
- Sector Warden, Civil Defence of Pakistan,1965 (During Pak-India War)
- Member of Dramatic Club, Fine Arts Society and Social Worker, 1967
- President Chemical Society, Department of Chemistry, University of Peshawar, 1970
- Incharge Sports Club and President Postgraduate Badminton, University of Peshawar,1972
- President Pakistan Students Association, Liverpool, UK 1977-1979
- Incharge Department Bulletin, Ministry of Health Hamad Medical Corporation, Doha, Qatar,1994
- Member of Organizing Committee Analytical Chemistry and Member Fund Raising Committee
* Source for this information is Dr. Abdus Sattar Khan