Full Name: Sikander Hayat سکندر حیات
Mr. Sikander Hayat is a spot on Peshawari at full spirit, with a pleasant personality. He is a well known Hindko Poet, his poetic collections are published and are loved by Hindko Poetry readers. Sikander Hayat is a very social person and people of every age group love to chat with him. He is a true lover of the Prophet Muhammad Peace be Upon Him and recites Naat from the bottom of his heart. Besides, he is a cultural activist and his labors for the cause of Hindko and Peshawar are extraordinary.

Father’s Name: Khizar Hayat
Mother’s Name: Choonia Begum
Nothia Qadeem, Peshawar Cantt
Date of Birth
04, Jun 1960
Alma Mater
1. Graduation from Islamia College, University of Peshawar, Peshawar
2. F. Sc. (Pre Eng) from Islamia College, Peshawar
3. Metric from Govt. Higher Secondary School #2, Peshawar Cant
4. Primary from Govt. Middle School Salwan, Peshawar Cantt
Shakeela Akhtar
- Khawar Hayat
- Sana Hayat
- Rida Hayat
- Hira Hayat
- Yawar Hayat
Govt Employee
- Naat Khwaan
- Hindko Poet
Notable Work
- Suchay Rang (Naatia Kalaam) سُچے رنگ ہندکو نعتیہ کلام
- Saawi Chaan (Poetry) ساوی چھاں ہندکو شاعری
- Pulekhay Chawaan De (in progress) پُلیکھے چھاواں دے
Institutions Affiliated With
1. Retired from M. C. Peshawar
2. Joint Secretary Gandhara Hindko Board
3. Joint Secretary Anjuman Meelad-e-Mustafa SWS
4. Information Secretary United Municipal Workers Union, M. C. Peshawar
Mother’s Tongue
1. Football
2. Athletics (100/200 meters)
3. 100 meters relay
4. Music
5. Singing
6. Reading
7. Movies
* Source for this information is Mr. Sikander Hayat